Dr. Sabarish K relieved from ICFOSS

The community continued to wait for an official response from Sabarish K. A Message posted by Akshai M (An ICFOSS employee) in the Unofficial ICFOSS Telegram Group. This message was later removed.

Dr. Sabarish K relieved from ICFOSS !! His extension request since July was rejected by the Government. ICFOSS had two different directors in less than 2 years. Not sure where this is headed.

  1. Government wants ICFOSS to stand on its own yet they don't allow anyone to serve a proper duration. No one knows how long will the new director be, since that again is an additional charge. Turns out to be a parking ground !!!

  2. Community wants ICFOSS to work with them while the Government structure allows little or zero hope. Autonomy is only on paper. The past director tried but the current Govt does not encourage community representation in ICFOSS.

These days I have heard that an even a project apprentice appointment has to done by high level committee consisting of some IAS officers.

It's sad how one of the only if not the only institution in our state for free and open source software is in this state. ICFOSS did help a lot of the FOSS clubs in colleges. If it was truly effective and worked together with the community we could've bought a lot of change.

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